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AFNS Experience 14 , 15 & 16

Experience -14


Today was My test ALLHUMDULILLAH 🫀🥰I
And mn sad nhe hon q k Allah pak ny shyd behtr likha hoga ✨…Mujhy yaqeen Hy apny Allah pr🥰

Verbal and non verbal was very easy and all are repeated question wahi thy jo SIR WAQAS ny online classes mn karwaye thy
90% of 90….
Or verbal allhumdulillah allhumdulillah mene 20 minutes mn clear Kiya
Or non verbal bhe same…. In 20 minutes
Why we boil milk
Why perents send their children to school
Quarter of one tenth of 120
In a class 500 students present 300 percentage of present student
28th day of a month is Sunday then the 2nd day will be
If yesterday was Sunday then the day after tommorow will be
If 4th day of a month is Friday then 28th day will be Saturday
One third of 10% of 90 is
There are Seven months in a year having 31 days.If 1 man write 5 papers in 5 minutes then, 1 man will write 1 paper in 1 minute.
There are 30 passengers in a bus.2/3 of them are men then the percentage of women is
Angle, Rectangle, Square, Hexagon
Cricket, Football, Tennis, Baseball
Wheat, Hay,Rice,Barley
If 4th day of month is Tuesday then the 23th day of month will be
A man walked towards north then he turns left.After some time he turned right, then the
present direction will be North.
( Same ASA hi one more question tha but direction change thi or answer south tha)
Complete the following series.
66 63 57 45 ?
2,6,14,30,62 ?
A,C,F,J,O ? Ye Wala koi 3 dafa Aya tha
What comes after G
Third letter in Management Alphabetically
If yesterday was Friday then the day after tomorrow will be
A train speed is twice as that of car.If car covers 60km in one hour then how much distance
train will cover in 30 minutes.
Bat cannot Sea and Snake cannot
If my brother’s sister is your mother,the who I am to you?
If 1st day of month is Monday, then the 13th day of month will be Saturday.
If 5 men write 5 pages in 5 minutes,then 1 man will write 1 page in 5 minutes
If a man travel 90km in 1 hour and 40 minutes.He will cover 1km in
Synonym of doubt
Synonym of execute
Synonym of wild
If 18th, 5, 19th, 20 come in Alphabets word ?(Ans: REST)
Speed of bus is 90 km/h what is the time required to cover 30 km distance will be
Arrange the word oplared ( leopard animal)
Arrange the word yteaub( beauty) last word(Y)
There are 30 passenger in a bus 2/3 then are men then the number of women is what?
Synonym of entirely


Jis topics Sy ay thy wo topic btati huu…

🍃Zyada tr Dires indirect ayee thy taqreebn 9,10…or 🍃Synonym eik Aya tha eik.. Wild


Or physics mn ..
🍃unit of mutually infection….
🍃Or degree walyy thyy …saee sy yad nhe …

Ab atyy hyn chemistry ki taraf jis MN sy bhout ayee questions….


Formula thyy…
Kuch definition thii
20 tk chemistry ky questions thyy….
Bio ky taqreebn DNA sy mitosis, meiosis,

Bs yehi yaad hn …

Or repeated questions mn sy eik bhe nhe Aya….🙂

All the best all best whishes All of you


Regards: Pro Genius Students*
My Whatsapp For Paid Course: 03056306559

featured 39

Experience -15

Assalam u alikum ma’am.
Name zarafshan
Status pass
Verbal: zyada tar wohi thay ju sir waqas nay karaye thay m nay verbal yad nahi rakay q kay wo wohi same thay liken mn nay aap logo kay liye academics ko yad raka because sub aakay verbal ka kehthay acedmics ka aksar bhool Gaye hothey hn

Non verbal:

kuch repeated thay kuch tricky thay bht aur ha wo waley zyada aye thya ju kisi diagram ka aik part missing hotha hn aur options mn wo part diya jatha hn.

Q1: progamtic means?
Q2:mutual inductance unit?
Q3: if the frequency is made 5 times then length will be?
Q4:if frequency increases then conductance?.
Q5:which is monokaryote (1 basidospore 2 basidocarps) aur options yad nahi
Q6:which element has gaint covalent structure? (1 Mg 2 Al 3 SI)
Q7:which carbohydrate is least soluble( 1. Glucose 2.sucrose 3.gylcogen) ye question 2 bar aya
Q8:wild means?
Q9:when momentum is equal to K. E. what is the velocity?
Q10:fungi kay chapters say 3 ya 4 thay liken abhi mujay yad nahi because unkay names aesay barhay barhay thay
Q11:when electric field enters into magnetic field the velocity (1 increase 2 decrease 3 uneffected)
Q12:ph kay questions thay 2 kafi difficult thay isliye sorry yad na kar saki
Q13:which statement is correct (1 sicl4 dissolves in water to give acid) istrah different options thay
Q14:germ theory was given by??
Q15:English mn phrases given thay aur zyada tar words thay kay Inkay meaning kiya hn ya ye adjective hn noun is Tarah….
Sorry filhal itnay hi yad hn but agar kuch aur yad Ayega tu i will share InshaAllah
Phr hamarey center mn 5 pass hogaye 2 ka medical fail howa tu ham 3 reh Gaye hamain ik form diya dill karnay kay liye aur next date dee gayi…
Advice that I want to give you people..
Time ko manage karna seekay time har cheeze mn manage ho jathi hn easily but remember verbal mn nahi hothi verbal mn ju ma’am aur sir nay baijay hn wo rata karley takay wo aap log jaldi karey aur then ju usmain change aye ho unpay mind lagaye
So thank you so muchhhhhhh sir waqas It become possible just because of your guidence and help. The way you support us is, I just pray thay Allah Almighty give you many more. Ameen summa ameen   thanks for being so nice 
Remember me in your prayers 

Regards: Pro Genius Students*
My Whatsapp For Paid Course: 03056306559

How to Join Pak Army as AFNS?

Experience- 16

Name : Sayeda Amna
Center: Faisalabad
Status: AlhumduliAllah Pass
Date: 31-8-23
I would like to Thanks sir Waqas
Pro genious students sy mujy kafi help mili.

Verbal Questions
Ans :3
Bat cannot see and snake cannot
Ans : Hear
90% of 90
Ans :81
One third of 120
Ans 40
quarter of one tenth of 120
find the profit percentage
30 rupees ka pen lia 40 mai sale kiya
plane prism has faces
Ans :5
odd one out Answer likh rae hn
Football, Panda Angle movie
Arrange the word Beauty Last word
Ans: Y
 alphabetically management ko arrange kary to 3rd letter konsa bnta hai
Ans: g
 Leopard animal work ko arrange
word chose kary jis ka watar image mai convert kr k b answer change na ho
Isi terha mirror image waly b thy
Direction sense
Number series waly , percentage waly, age related
Monstly jo sir ny kerwaye utube py wahi thi
Conclusion : Ager apny sir waqas k verbal portion waly sary questions achy sy samuy kr kiye hn to apka 100 %test pass ho jaye ga verbal

Nonverbal Question
Mostly repeated questions thy
9 image diye thy jin maisy akhri wala guess krna hota tha
Pattern waly b repeated thy

Academic Questions
Approximately 20 mcqs jo sir waqas ny apny chenel py experience share kiye hn same as it aye thy
Mera mushwera hai k academics k liye ye topics lazmi prh k jaye
blood pressure

Kuch Questions likh deti hn English k
police …… Crowd
native English……. Beads for money
Sprung ,
 nuts to shell
Ans: Summaried
synonym precevied
Understood option dia hoya tha
 antonym of Crude
 she went back to allow him To Stoop
Options: push away, go through
Is sentence mai hamy to Stoop ka meaning pta hona chahiye


 thickness of cell wall of gram positive bacteria
Ans : 20-80nm
fungi tolerate PH
Ans: 4-8
which is not a character of cyanobacteria
Ans: Multicellular
Similarity between animals and cyanobacteria
Ans: Both are motile
 spiral shaped bacteria
Ans: spirochete
during winters viens are contract and becomes hard due to?
Ans: low temperature causes blood to flow slowly
 which can help to transport O2 in whole body
Ans: protien
( hemoglobin ni likha hoya tha options mai)
high attitude py sans ko pholny lagta hai
Options: decrease atomospheric pressure,
Blood pressure high ,
 fungus that cannot survive without host
Ans: Obligate ( is ki examples likhi hoi thi options mai wo yad kr k jaye)
konc fungi Athlete k foot mai infection cause krti hai?


Mostly repeated mcqs thy jo sir ny krwaye hn

 shortest bond angle
Ans: BH3
(Options mai PH3 ni dia hoya tha)
 element have unpaired electrons
Ans: Mn
 which element shows more covalent character
Options : Ca, Mg, Ba,
 acetic acid is a….
Ans : functional isomersim
 The PH of 10- 10 M(10 ki power minus 10 molar) NaOH is?
Electronegativity is hight for which pair
Ans : Flourine – Chlorine
 when marcaptans Ch4SH react with O2 then what are the produts
Ans: disulfides ( formula b yad kr k jaye options mai formula dia tha)


Again repeated aye thy
Previous experiences yad kr k jaye

 voltage leads current in which circuit?
ans: RL circuits
 voltage 250 , frequency 50 htz, wala numerical
 peak of high intensity
Ans: base peak
 ratio of mass 2:3 …… Find ratio of resistance
Ans:4:09 option tha not confirmed
 accelaration of falling fog drop is?
Options: high, zero, constant

Personality Test

60 mcqs in urdu time 30 mins

150 mcqs in english 40 mins

AlhumduliAllah i clear all of them
Special thanks to sir waqas
Medical September mai hoga mera
Wish you all the best
Duayo mai yad rakhiye ga

Regards: Pro Genius Students*
My Whatsapp For Paid Course: 03056306559