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PMA Academic Test 6

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PMA Academic Test 6

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tail spin

1 / 50

Last islamic month IS:

2 / 50

who discover x ray ?

3 / 50

Pakistan's first television station was established in:

4 / 50

Injeel is, according to Islam, the holy book of:

5 / 50

currency of Egypt?

6 / 50

which surah has two Bismillah?

7 / 50

Obvious mean

8 / 50

quit India movement date?

9 / 50

which city of Pak has high literacy rate?

10 / 50

When Quaid a azam leave congress?

11 / 50

convert 30 degree into radian?

12 / 50

Total lenght of coast line of Pakistan is ?

13 / 50

The border between Pakistan and China was officially
established on

14 / 50

Smallest continent?

15 / 50

Prophet Muhammad s.a.w’s teeth were martyred in which

16 / 50

Heer Ranjha written by:

17 / 50

In which sport did Pakistan win the Olympic Champion Trophy?

18 / 50

capital of Malaysia is ?

19 / 50

world war 1started in?

20 / 50

The brightest planet of Solar system:

21 / 50

alter mean

22 / 50

What is lenght of amazon river?

23 / 50

Shah abdul latif bhatai was poet of which language?

24 / 50

The capital of Somalia is??

25 / 50

Where is located tanda dam?

26 / 50

Pakistan got how many nobel prize?

27 / 50

Muhammad Ali Jinnah was awarded the title of the
Quaid-i-Azam in:

28 / 50

Riyadh is the  capital of?

29 / 50

might synonym

30 / 50

Hiba Khatoon is a poet in the?

31 / 50

Liaqat Ali Khan was assassinated on

32 / 50

The first Cricket World Cup was held in:

33 / 50

Most Populated City Of Sindh:

34 / 50

Which country experienced significant destruction during World
War II?

35 / 50

Currency of Russia

36 / 50

Old name of Makkah?

37 / 50

Which prophet made the ship?

38 / 50

The book "Hamau Nama" was written by

39 / 50

Where is the Mahabat Khan Mosque located ?

40 / 50

Abul Kasem Fazlul Huq, a prominent Bengali politician, joined
the All India Muslim League in:

41 / 50

Which country has the largest army?

42 / 50

How many khulafa e Rashidin?

43 / 50

total veto powers countries in UN?

44 / 50

. The antonym of broadly is

45 / 50

Largest river of world is:

46 / 50

who was the first captain of Pakistan cricket team?

47 / 50

Area of Balochistan is?

48 / 50

The antonym of broadly is

49 / 50

There are .... Faraez in Hajj

50 / 50

Quaid e Azam join Muslim league in:

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