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PMA Academic Test 4

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Paid Academic Test 4

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tail spin

1 / 50

India of My dream is written by?

2 / 50

The highest peak of Hindu Kush range is?

3 / 50

Seats in national assembly?

4 / 50

Who started Mughal empire?

5 / 50

Mantissa of log is always?

6 / 50

He forgot...…..the letter.

7 / 50

Red cross headquarters?

8 / 50

What was the age of prophet when he put black stone? (Hajr e Aswad)

9 / 50

Bhauddin Zakariya tomb is in?

10 / 50

Identifies action and state of being is called

11 / 50

Shah Jahan masjid is in?

12 / 50

Defense day of Pakistan?

13 / 50

Benazir was killed in which city?

14 / 50

Capital of Germany?

15 / 50

Length of cricket bat?

16 / 50

Pakistan won champion trophy in which year?

17 / 50

Jannat ul Bakki is in?

18 / 50

Name the Mother of Ismael AS?

19 / 50

Pakistani is

20 / 50

My sister speaks very_____

21 / 50

Who introduced Islamization?

22 / 50

Who is the author of conquest of happiness?

23 / 50

Who said life of prophet is practical of Quran?

24 / 50

Faraizi movement was started by?

25 / 50

Largest lake of the world?

26 / 50

How many Ayat were in first Wahi?

27 / 50

Which Surah start without bismillah?

28 / 50

Zia Ul Haq was assassinated in?

29 / 50

When was MAO College given the status of university?

30 / 50

Cell which has no nucleus?

31 / 50

Instrument used to measure altitude of sun?

32 / 50

Which country has no capital?

33 / 50

Line that intersect circle on one point is called?

34 / 50

Old name of Attock is?

35 / 50

Real name of Imam Bukhari is?

36 / 50

Abu Sufyan accepted Islam after ?

37 / 50

Bhakra Nangal dam is on which river?

38 / 50

Foster sister name of Muhammad SAW?

39 / 50

Sher shah suri was burried in?

40 / 50

If e>1, the it is equation of?

41 / 50

Surah name on ant?

42 / 50

Which pass connects Gilgit with china?

43 / 50

She said "It was snowing"

44 / 50

Which vitamin do we get by sunlight?

45 / 50

1st census held in Pakistan in?

46 / 50

Manchester lake is in?

47 / 50

Author of book "Hamlet" is?

48 / 50

Lengthiest constitution of the world is?

49 / 50

Holy prophet lived in Madina for how many years?

50 / 50

Rohtas fort is near?

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