Paid Academic Test 3 Please don't use any search browser to find the answer.Best of Luck! Please! Enter Password 1 / 50 Flint River in which country Turkey USA Singapore Iraq 2 / 50 Name the Sahabi mentioned in Quran Hazrat Ali R.A Zaid Bin Haris R.A Hazrat Bilal R.A Hazrat Umar R.A 3 / 50 They were working as the exams Came Reached Arrived Approached 4 / 50 4:X::5:15 value of X 2 12 5 6 5 / 50 Which Pakistani woman climbed Mount Everest first. Saira Baig Fatima BB Samina Baig Samia Baigum 6 / 50 Infinitive is form of Adjective Adverb Noun Conjunction 7 / 50 How many months have 31 days in a year? 1 3 7 4 8 / 50 quarter of 1/2 of 120 is equal to 12 8 60 15 9 / 50 He is the man______ lives next to my home. Who's Who Whose Whome 10 / 50 Bhasha dam is on river? Kabul River indus Satluj Chenab 11 / 50 Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated in which city Damascus Sarajevo Cologne Milan 12 / 50 Balochistan plateau height? 3700 meter 4200 meter 1300 meter 1400 meter 13 / 50 where is "rub al khali" desert located Egypt Morocco Saudi Arabia Sodan 14 / 50 22/7 is___ number? Irrational Real Prime Numbers Rational 15 / 50 I met with a boy ____ father died in road accident Whose Who's Who Whome 16 / 50 31,71,81 are____ numbers. Odd Whole Natural Even 17 / 50 if the equation ax^2+bx+c has rational roots than the equation is Bi Quadratic Linear Quadratic Cubic 18 / 50 If A is subset of b then AUB is equal to A BUA B AUB 19 / 50 Meaning of badr is? Sun Half moon Village Full moon 20 / 50 Mi5 is the agency of? Japan France Germany UK 21 / 50 Who wrote loyal Muhammadian? Chudhary Rahmat Ali Sir Syed Ahmad Khan Allama Mohammad Iqbal kaikobad 22 / 50 Delaware river is in Singapore USA China Russia 23 / 50 Turkey currency Lira Rubble Pie Yen 24 / 50 China Pak boundary wall agreement was signed on 1956 1955 1948 1963 25 / 50 Current president of Turkey Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK. Hasan Saka Abdullah Gül Tayyip Erdoğan 26 / 50 Who brought democracy in Pakistan Yahya khan Ayub Khan Quaid-e-Azam Liaqat Ali khan 27 / 50 Factorial form of 4 ? 14 16 12 24 28 / 50 Total no of Ghazwat mentioned in Quran 24 26 36 27 29 / 50 Battle of Yamama was fought in the reign of Hazrat Abubakr R.A Hazrat Umar R.A Hazrat Ali R.A Hazrat Usman R.A 30 / 50 Olympic is the airport of? Greece Sparta Egypt Oman 31 / 50 Masjid Muhabbat Khan is situated in Lahore Hyderabad Peshawar Sindh 32 / 50 Capital city of Ghana Accra Canberra Saint John's Jakarta 33 / 50 Ubangi river is largest river of South Korea Australia Central Asia Africa 34 / 50 Wuzu k Fraiz 3 4 5 2 35 / 50 Darling is the name Australia. Beloved Building River Sea 36 / 50 who constructed Masjid e Zarar ? Abu lahab Abu Sufyan Abu 'Amir al-Rahib Abu Jahal 37 / 50 Thar is famous for Sui Gas Coal Petrolume Salt 38 / 50 Who did you receive it_____? For Where In From 39 / 50 Bani Israel are Muslims Jews Parsis Christen 40 / 50 1965 war last for how many days? 15 19 17 22 41 / 50 skyscraper meaning River Building Ground Canal 42 / 50 Ghusal k faraiz 5 2 None 3 43 / 50 Islam means? Pretty Recite Peace War 44 / 50 If all the altitudes of three sides of a triangle intersect at a point that point is called Endocenter Center Point Exocenter Orthocenter 45 / 50 if x and y both are negative than the quadrant is III I IV II 46 / 50 45 and 81 HCF 15 3 9 12 47 / 50 They did not have an agreement ----------- his problem. on account of account of in account at account of 48 / 50 Warsak dam on which river sindh kabul Satluj Chenb 49 / 50 He has left the office; you can now reach him _____ home. From In At On 50 / 50 Thal is located in ? Punjab KPK Sindh Balochistan Your score is 0% Restart quiz