153 PMA Solved Academic Experience Part 1
Posted: 23 Nov, 2023
1. which country hosted Asia games for the first time?
Ans: India hosted the first Asian Games in New Delhi in 1951.
2.which range passes connects pak with afghan ?
Ans: The Khyber Pass
3.With the help of which country did Pakistan make its first steel mill?
Ans: with the assistance of the Soviet Union
4. How many khulafa e Rashidin?
Ans: 4
5. Which prophet made the ship
Ans: hazrat noah AS
6. What is lenght of amazon river?
Ans: The Amazon River is 4,225 miles long, or 6,800 km in length.
7. Quaid e azm join Muslim league in
Ans: 1913
8.Pakistan’s first television station was established in
9. quit India movement date?
August 8, 1942,
10. alter mean
11. Obvious mean
clear/self-evident/ apparent
12. There are …. Faraez in Hajj
13. 1st revealed 5 ayat of which surah ?
Surah al-‘Alaq
14. her Ranjha written by
Waris Shah
15. 1st governor General of india.
Warren Hastings, the first Governor-GeneraL
16. Total seats of Punjab Assembly 371
297 general seats, 66 seats reserved for women and 8 reserved for non-Muslims
17. largest river of world is
nile river
18. Name of Chaudhry Rehmat Ali’s book
Now or Never 1933
19. Last islamic month
Dhū al-Ḥijjah
20. Old name of Makkah?
Bakkah and old name of madina is Yathrib/yasrib
21. Smallest continent?
22. Prophet Muhammad s.a.w’s teeth were martyred in which gazwa?
Battle of Uhud
23. prism has how many plane faces? ?
4 plane sides/faces and 6 numbers of edges and 4 numbers of vertical
24. Biggest salt range is which district of Pakistan?
( Jhelum District, Punjab, Pakistan. It is Pakistan’s largest and oldest salt mine and the world’s second largest)
25. Injeel is, according to Islam, the holy book of
Prophet Essa (A.S)
26. pak China border agreement
27. which city of pakistan is known as babul islam
28. convert 30 degree into radian?
0.524 radian
29. India did its nuclear test in?
On May 18, 1974
30. Who is the Cm of kpk?
Justice Retired Syed Arshad Hussain Shah
31. Most Populated City Of Sindh
32. when was Jang e uhad fought
Ans: 7 Shawwal, 3 AH
33. who was the first captain of Pakistan cricket team
Ans: Abdul Hafeez Kardar
34. where was UNO formed
Ans: The United Nations (UN) was founded in San Francisco, California, United States, in 1945
35. Which dam is the largest dam in the world and where it is located?
Ans: located in Hubei Province, China, on the Yangtze River.
36. Riyadh is the city of?
Ans: Riyadh is the capital of Saudi Arabia.
37. Where is the Mahabat Khan Mosque located ?
Ans: Peshawar
38. Who was the last British governor of united India?
Ans: Lord Louis Mountbatten.
39. In which region is Shina language primarily spoken?
Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan.
40. in which sport did Pakistan win the Olympic Champion Trophy
41. Where is the Wazir Khan Mosque located?
in Lahore.
42. The capital of Somalia is??
43. first femal prime minister of Pakistan?
benazer bhutto.
44. When Quaid a azam leave congress?
Ans: 920
45. currency of Egypt?
Ans:Egyptian pound
46. HCF represent?
Ans: highest common factor.
47. Shah abdul latif bhatai was poet of which language?
Ans: sindhi.
48. in Lahore declaration in 1990 btw Pakistan and india who was prime minister of india?
Ans: attal behari wajpai..
49. Articles of constitution of Pakistan?
50. world war 1started in?
Ans: 1914
51. Which country experienced significant destruction during World War II?
Ans: Japan
52. The border between Pakistan and China was officially established on
Ans: March 2, 1963
53. chairman of NAB is?
Ans: nazeer Ahmad butt
54. current president of France is?
Ans: Emmanuel macron
55. capital of Malaysia is ?
Ans: Kuala Lumpur
56. total lenght of coast line of Pakistan is ?
Ans: 1046km
57. total veto powers countries in UN?
Ans: 5
58. which surah has two Bismillah
Ans: surat namal
59. deepest oceans is
Ans: pacific ocean
60. the deepest point in land in Asia
Ans: The Dead Sea
61. India china border name is
Ans: MC Mohan
62. liaqat Ali kha visit which first country
Ans: USA
63. General Pervez Musharraf met with Indian Prime Minister
Ans: Atal Bihari Vajpayee in Simla, India
64. who discover x ray ?
Ans: Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovered X-rays in 1895
65. the current caretaker Chief Minister of Punjab, Pakistan is
Ans: Syed Mohsin Raza Naqvi
66. which city of Pak has high literacy rate
Ans: Islamabad
67. founder of Facebook?
Ans:Mark Zuckerberg
68. when Fatima Jinnah join muslim league
Ans: Bill Gates and Paul Allen on April 4, 1975
69. Fatima Jinnah joined the All-India Muslim League (AIML) in:
Ans: 1916.
70: Currency of Russia
Ans: Russian ruble
Sir me 3000 wale group ho muze ye 1900 wale group to nned nahi hai Jo 1900 wale me material aye ga wo bi 3000 wale me aye ga please btae take me preparation Kar sacko wase mene waha SE ki hai 3000 wale send
Thank you Sister Areeba and bhai Asghar for this kind effort and also Progeniusstudent team thanks a lot.
sir how many questions are elected from these question in test of pma
Mashallah 💖