PMA Experience 6, 7 & 8
Posted: 31 Aug, 2023
Experience- 6
PMA 152 L/c experience 23/5/2023
name . usama
asrc . khuzdar
status . alhamduillah cleared
verbal . jo sir waqas ny krway thy or 100 pdf di thi
non verbalsame to same 100 % PDF se aya they or jo sir ny tricks batayi thi bs osi ko follow kry.
Academic .
(1) which prophet bring the massage of Allah to prophet S.A
ANS . H . Jibrail A.s
(2) when made 1st constitution . ans . 23 mar 1956
(3) 1973 constitution the sovereignty belong to . ans . Allah
(4) who made neutron ? confirm Kar
(5) in ghzwa badr Muslim number ? ans . 313
(6) first Pakistan made triple century in cricket ? Hanif
(7) wild synonym . ans . tamed
(8) current cm of Baluchistan ? ans . bizinjo
(9)bat can’t see and Snake can’t hear
(10) why boil milk .ans kill germs
(11) why children send to school . ans grommig / bright future
(12) oic which organization ? ans. . Islamic
(13) proces by plant make food which organization . Ans . photosynthesis
(15) Hazrat yaqoob tittle ? Ans . Israel
(16) zam zam means ? ans . stop
(17) Pakistani Young Microsoft ? Ans . arfa karim
(18) shimla accord / agreement pact agreement after which war ? ans . 1971 war
(19) who wrote sohni mahiwal ? ans Fazal Shah saeed
(20) Pakistan cences kon sa department Marta han .? Ans . barrow sathestic es tara han
(21) daimer basha dam is built which year ? ans. Indus river
(22) prophet nei kitne sal madina ma gozare ?
Ans . 53 year
(23) 1973 constitution what type ? ans parliamentary
(24) which sahabi served of prophet 10 year ?
ans . Hazrat zaid bin haris
(25) Pakistan ka 2400 km border kis country k satt han . ans . Afghanistan
(26) which nabi namrood through to fire ?
Ans . Hazrat Ibrahim A.s
(27) thal desert located ? ans . sindh
(28) cholistan dessert kaha han ? ans . north Punjab . south Punjab . es tara option the confirm Kar .
(29) between senate and N.assembly problem solved by ? Ans . prime minister
(30) prophet kuniyat keya Han ? abul Qasim
(30) 7 Number is ? ans . rational number lagaya
(30) plan prisms ?ans (5)
(31) plan side ? ans . 6
(32) friend are not Master written by .? ans . ayoub khan .
(33) sco stand for ? ans . shangi cooperation or keya han aagey
bus ya bahoot mushkil see yad keya Han bus duwa ma yad rakna physical medical or interview k leyee
good luck to alland thanks sir waqas jinho ny itni achi btyari karwai
Regards: Pro Genius Students*
My Whatsapp For Paid Course: 03056306559

MY NAME Zeshan Tariq
Experience 152 long course
verbal wahi tha jo sir waqas ny pdf send kiya or classes mn karwaya tha
Q1: If 1 man writes 5 papers in 5 Minutes than 1 man will write 1 paper in . Ans(1minutes )
Q2:Quarter of one tenth of 120 is . Ans(3 )
Q3: Ali naught a pan for Rs30 and sold it for Rs40 Profit will be . Ans(33.33%)
Q4: Point out the different from the following . Ans (Angle)
Q5: 2+2/2 And 3
Q6: cricket football Tennis Ans(Football)
Q7: ans ( Hay)
Q8 Monkey Ape Ans (Panda)
Q9: if 28th day of a month is Sunday than the 2nd day will be: Ans (
Q10: 90%of90% Ans 81
Q11: Complete the following series.
28,115,55,170,65,235: Ans 75
Q12: 29,26,14,62: Ans 26
Q13: if 14th day of month is sunday than 19th day will be Ans (Monday)
Q14: if 4th day of the month Monday than 30day will be Ans
Q15: why we boil milk Ans TO KILL GERMS
Q16: parent give education to their children to Ans (GROOMING THEM)
Q17: bot cannot sea and snake cannot Ans (hear)
Q18: 43. 80%of 90is Ans (72)
Q18 Aeroplane flies due to Ans (lift )
Q19: If Ali walks towards north and then turn left what is the present directions Ans (West)
Regards: Pro Genius Students*
My Whatsapp For Paid Course: 03056306559
Experience- 8
PMA 152
Name: Khawar Ali Khan
Status: pass
Center: Faisalabad
Experience: intelligence
Verbal:84quetions(from pdf)jo sir waqas ny send kiya tha group mn osi mn sy tha
Non verbal:64quetions almost repeated
1) Manchester of Pakistan
2) City at the border of Punjab and Sindh
3) Pakistan population
4)senet ka chairman
5) Pakistan won first hockey world cup
6) UNO hq in??
7)who named UNO
8) number of members of national assembly
9) Tashkent pack between India and Pakistan with help of which country
10) first hafeze Quran
11)why we boil milk
12)why parents send children to school
14) 9/2 is which fraction
15) who discovered pencilin
17)wold highest range
18) Urdu alphabets are???
19) numbers in square bracket are called
20) Pakistan Youngest nishane Haider Holder
21) synonym thy
22)tenses s 2 MCqs thay
24) heart of holy Quran is which surah
25) holy prophet Muhammad S.A.W title in holy Quran
26) Pakistan government consist of how many houses
Regards: Pro Genius Students*
My Whatsapp For Paid Course: 03056306559