Physics Testt by Pro Genius sudents

Physics Test 1

  • Physical Quantities (Units + Dimensions)
  • Torque / Moment of Force)
  • Projectile Motion
  • Non-Conventional energy sources
  • Angular Displacement
  • Angular Velocity
  • Relation between Angular and Linear Velocity
  • Real and Apparent Weight
  • Bernoulli’s Equation + Applications
  • Simple Pendulum
  • Speed of sound in air
  • Least distance and distinct vision
  • CRO
  • Faraday  Law
  • Lenz Law
  1. Vectors and Equilibrium
  2. Work and Energy
  3. Fluid Dynamics
  4. Optical Instrument


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quiz maker eye visibility offquiz maker eye visibility
tail spin

1 / 50

The phase difference between coils of three phase A.C is

2 / 50

The resistance between (+) and (-) of ideal Op-Amp is

3 / 50

The SI unit of plane angle is

4 / 50

The emf of two cells can be compared by

5 / 50

The charge on the electron was calculated by:

6 / 50

In RLC series AC circuit, when XL = XC then impedance is

7 / 50

The magnitude of dot and cross product of two vectors are 6√3 and 6 respectively. The angle between them will be

8 / 50

The charges on the quarks are

9 / 50

The constant K in Coulomb’s Law depends upon

10 / 50

If the temperature of the sink is decreased, the efficiency of Carnot engine:

11 / 50

When motor is at its Max. speed the back  e.m.f will be

12 / 50

For which position, blood pressure in the body have the smallest value?

13 / 50

During projectile motion, the horizontal component of velocity:

14 / 50

If a body of mass 10 kg is allowed to fall freely, its weight becomes.

15 / 50

Types of quarks are:

16 / 50

In which process entropy remains constant.

17 / 50

[ML-1 T -2] is the dimension of

18 / 50

An example of scalar quantity is

19 / 50

The least distance of distinct vision for a normal eye is:

20 / 50

Which of the following is similar to electron

21 / 50

Work done on the body equals to the

22 / 50

If a radioactive isotope of silver have a half life of about 7.5 days. After 15 days the remaining isotope of its original is

23 / 50

The oscillations in which amplitude decreased steadily with time are called:

24 / 50

An accurate measurement of emf of a cell is made by

25 / 50

LASER light has the property of:

26 / 50

The critical temperature for mercury is:

27 / 50

The property of a system that remains constant during an adiabatic process is called:

28 / 50

Which of the following is least multiple:

29 / 50

Photon ‘A’ has twice the energy of photon ‘B’. What is the ratio of the momentum of ‘A’ to that of ‘B’?

30 / 50

The minimum number of unequal forces whose resultant will be zero

31 / 50

Which of the following is not present in AC generator:

32 / 50

Slope of velocity time graph is

33 / 50

How many times per second will an incandescent lamp reach maximum brilliance when connected to a 50Hz source?

34 / 50

The frequency of waves produced in microwaves oven is:

35 / 50

The Celsius scale starts from:

36 / 50

Voltmeter is used to measure:

37 / 50

Lenz’s law is in accordance with the law of conservation of:

38 / 50

The idea of quantization of energy was  proposed by

39 / 50

Pull of earth on a mass of 20 kg on the surface of the earth is

40 / 50

The temperature of the core of the reactor rises to about

41 / 50

The dimensions of stain are

42 / 50

The internal energy of an ideal gas is directly proportional to:

43 / 50

One amu is equal to __________

44 / 50

Doppler Effect applies to

45 / 50

Heat is the form of:

46 / 50

Distance covered during one vibration of an oscillating body in term of amplitude A is:

47 / 50

Boyle’s law holds for ideal gases in

48 / 50

The SI unit of coefficient of viscosity is:

49 / 50

Tolerance for silver band is:

50 / 50

During charging of a capacitor, the ratio of instantaneous charge and maximum charge on plates of capacitors at t = RC is

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