PAF Experience 8
Posted: 15 Sep, 2023
Status:Alhamdulillah cleared
Branch AD
Dikhan center waly 7 30 se pehly na jayein
★time management and experience mcqs nd videos are key to success
Overall easy kuch mcqs darmayan mai mushkil atay hy wo skip karo .
Baqi non verbal k liyesir ny jo shaps valay pdf beja hay wo karo .
Physics k liye experience valy mcqs and hakeem sir ki videos deko kafffi hay.
English mei bht lambi statements hoti hay jo kaffi mushkil hay.isliye experience mxqs sab dek k jao.
1:Lethergy: inactivity
2:Error: misconception,mistake
3:contentment: Satisfaction,happiness
4:Cravings: Hunger
5:Embezzle: inappropriate
6:Enormous:huge tremendous
7:Prevaricate: Fence, hedge,lie
8:Mite: peanut,hay
10:slap on wrist:Small punishment.
14:de novo:new
15:inter alia: between
16:dejure: by law
17:en route:on way
1:Bright: dull
3:Ductile: inelastic
6: artificial: natural
1:Permittivity: farad per meter (F/m or F·m−1).
3:Light year is unit of (distance)
4:Impulse is product of force and time
5:Unit of angular momentum:kilogram metres squared per second (kg-m2/sec).
6:Unit of current gain= No unit
7:Power: Watt (W),joules per second (J/s).
8:Torque and energy (same unit)
1:nλ = 2d sinΘ=Bragg’s law
5:t.time of flight of projectile:2ViSin★/g
6:power is dot product of:force qnd velocity
7:Slit Diffraction Condition: 𝑑 sin 𝜃 = 𝑚𝜆
8:effective path difference:2𝑑 sin 𝜃
9:Michelson’s interferometer:𝐿 =
2:Momentum: M¹L¹T^-¹
1:Boltzmann const:1.380649×10^–²³ joule per kelvin
Active nd passive
1: he is elected as mayor bya people?
Ans:the people elected him mayor
2:sana is washing her clothes
Her clothes are being washed by Sana.
3: have someone made all the arrangements.
Have all the necessary arrangements been made (by someone)?
1:At which angle compton angle is equal to compton shift==90°
2:NOT Gate has only One Input.
3:Who explained photoelectric effect: Einstein
4: Heavily doped region of transistor:Emitter
5:Tobacco is to pipe as coal is to feul
6:P-type material majority consist of…holes.
7:Gamma rays consit of …photons
8:When light enter from vacuum to water,which quantity will not change: frequency
9:Tidal energy is due to Sun,moon,sea
10:when source of sound move away from observer then frequency: decreases
11:which phenomena shows that liggt is wave nature: interference,refraction, diffraction(ALL)
12: transistor is used as : switch, rectifier(Both)
13: Magnetic material:coper
14: Energy required to produce pair of electron and positron:1.2MeV
16:unit of current gain: No unit
17: Resistivity depends upon:Nature and temperature of material
18:Rheostat is made up of : nichrome wire
19:chair is to leg as car is to: tyres
20:phenomena of light used in a propagation of light through optical fibre is called: Total internal reflection
21:Two sources of light are said to be coherent if they emit:light of same frequency, same wavelength and same intensity
22: Colours in oily water of roads are due to which phenomenon ?
- Deflection
- Diffraction
- Interference✓
23:complete rc circuit consists of :resistors and capacitors
24:which part is highly doped in p type materials: Emitter
25: To find the orbit of a satellite which thing is not required : Size
26: Cloud formation is due to phenomenon:Evaporation and condensation
27: focal length of astronomical telescope is 100cm
28: displacement of particle executing SHM:
29:ratio between orbital and escape velocity:Ve=2 Vo
30: formula of range of projectile: R=v02gsin2θ .
31: photoelectric effect used to:to generate electricity with the help of solar panels.
32:in compton effect both energy and momentum are conserved
33: in resistive circuit both voltage and current are: in phase
34:when an electron move perpendicular to magnetic field .the magnetic force will force it to move in which path :Circular
35:I am sick (of) job.
36:We congratulate you (on) your achievement.
37: He is weak (in) grammar.
38:she is interested (in) drawing
39: head is covered (with) hair .
40: through which light does not pass:Opaque
41:a person who eats everything is called:Omnivore
42: language for blind people:Braile
43:light and dark pattern in young slit is called:fringes
44:least energy gap:conductors
45:in which process entropy remains constant: adiabatic
46: in isothermal process what is constant: temperature
47: which of following phenomena is used in propagation of light through optical fibre:total internal reflection
48: distance between two consecutive wave front is called : wavelength
49:two sources of light are coherent if they emit rays of:same wavelength and constt phase difference
50:which one does not work according to resonance:bulb
51:when small resistance is connected in parallel to galvanometer, circuit behave as: ammeter
52: to construct step down transformer:Np>Ns
53:a person who help another commit crime is:acomplice
54:secretly listening to conversation: eavesdrop
55: medicine taken to counteract a particular poison is called : antidote and antotoxin
56: something that is hard but liable to break easily;brittle
57: a person who talks in his sleep:Omniloquist
58:critical temperature of mercury:4.15k
59: fuse is placed in a series with circuit to protect against:overheating
60:solar cells are made up of:Silicon
61: transistor has(3) regions
62: who gave idea of matter wave: de Broglie
63:she is thankful to you for being patient (with) her
64: In Young’s double slit experiment, the
distance between two adjacent bright
fringes, ∆𝑦 is:𝜆𝐿
65:In Young double slit experiment, if white
light is used=No interference fringes will be seen
Regards: Pro Genius Students*
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