
AEC course biology
Initial test
Verbal and non verbal

can be easy and can be tough it depends on ur practice and speed
Tip: if u r weak at some area for example mjhe hamesha series Waly MCqs MN dair LG jati h, so I skipped that part and Jo last MN time bacha MN ny us MN solve kr Liye
Tip 2: koshish krein sb attempt kr ly within time, no matter tuky lga le Jo ni arhy.
Tip 3: practice makes man perfect
And non verbal MN mostly agr 3 diagrams ati h to note kriyega k 1 r 3 aps mn opposite hngi , r 2 row MN b 1st diagnram 3rd k opposite hogi Jo poxhi jayegi diagram.wo.lazmi first Waly ki opposite hogi
Baki repeat MCQs hi hoty hain and academia was superficial
Organelle dekh le, algea k Bry mn prh lein , cell division dekh lein , plant kingdom MN bryophytes ka dekh lein animal kingdom MN mollusca ka dangerous specie Jo hram.ful h wo knsa h options MN snake tha , then A, a ye dono kitni alllel bna skti h, ABO group co dominant hai, is trah ka academia tha. Baki u have to use brain for quick maths.

Regards: Pro Genius Students*
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