

Subject:English linguistics
Status:Passed verbal ,non verbal,academic
Medical: unfit
Verbal part

was nerve racking due to short time,and long statements..verbal part was quite difficult because it has statements in which you have to calculate and there’s no thing to do rough work so you have to calculate everything on your finger tips mostly imp questions that you shared in grp was repeated and most question are new and statements are too long due to which time was finished and questions are left but fortunately i did it right but all you can do is to manage time before starting the test and look at the time repeatedly to avoid any inconvenience
Non verbal part

consists of water images,missing images and so on that you shared in grp but not the same but the pattern was different all you do is ,you have to know the technique to tackle the images and yes again manage your time in every section specifically in verbal part
Academic part

consists of both from linguistics part and literature, about novelist,dramatist, etc and linguistics part is mix of all grammar like correct the statement,or change the voice, synonym of some word or antonyms, general questions like disease that was caused by ppl are called and the disease that was caused by environment and so you have to know the prepositions aswell like where you have to put the correct prepositions.
And yes don’t worry abt the system, the system was quite good,and even if you have any problem regarding system there’s always a person there to help you and yes all i can say is that first two test are of intelligence so use your intelligence wisely and smartly even if you study smartly ,2-3 days are more than enough so use your brain wisely and utilize your intelligence fully,its a test of your nerves so dont take tension during test ,just focus on your test and manage your time wisely and rest leave everything on luck . Best of luck for your test

Compiled By: Pro Genius Students
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