Posted: 10 Sep, 2023
Centre: Fsd
Subject: chemistry
Status :cleared
Verbal part easy tha but time consuming
Age related questions, series questions odd one out
Non verbal Thora sa difficult tha… mirror images waly questions thy
Academic portion easy tha
- Vegetable oil converted into ghee by
2.fat soluble vitamins - Egg contains High amount of
- Acetylene have hybridisation?
5 acetylene used in making of which flame - PH of normal rain
7 PH of milk of magnesia
8.one question from stoichiometry and one form yield
10.For liq sample what is used - General formula of carbohydrates
12 how polysaccharides are formed - Molarity related questions
14 relative atomic mass by which scientist
15 which bond Is absent in secondary st of protein
16 which bond is present
17 plants form polysaccharide by which process - One question from trend of lattice energy
- One from electron affinity baqi questions bhi basic me sy hi thy
- Compiled By: Pro Genius Students
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