

AEC Chemistry
My reporting time was 7:00am but the process of degree and documents verification was Started at 10. Test was started around 12:30-12:45
Verbal and non-verbal was from the files provided in group. Your tips and tricks was very helpful for me bcz the rough work is not allowed in Karachi center.

was age difference, numeric and alphabet series, relation, proportion, % and profit/loss

was quite tricky. Mostly questions was from mirror image, some are rotation and series. ….
My academic part

was chemistry and the questions were from basics. General chemistry, analytical and inorganic part was major. Little bit part was from physical and organic chemistry
4 questions were numerical of %solution, dilution factor and molarity
My status is CLEARED and my medical is tomorrow and physical will be on 20th July
ThankYou sir your tips and tricks was amazing, your guidance was very helpful for me and it helped me to complete my test on time. I was little bit scared about time management but Alhamdulillah I did and CLEARED my initial test
I have come across this nice Chemistry Quiz app and it is good.
Try it out

Ye sary quiz b kar lain it’s important… ✨

Regards: Pro Genius Students
My Whatsapp For Paid Course: 03056306559