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AFNS Physics Test 2

Important Topics  of Physics  

  • Physical Quantities (Units + Dimensions)
  • Torque / Moment of Force)
  • Projectile Motion
  • Non-Conventional energy sources
  • Angular Displacement
  • Angular Velocity
  • Relation between Angular and Linear Velocity
  • Real and Apparent Weight
  • Bernoulli’s Equation + Applications
  • Simple Pendulum
  • Speed of sound in air
  • Least distance and distinct vision
  • CRO
  • Faraday  Law
  • Lenz Law

AFNS Initial Test Experience  

Important Chapters for Numerical

  1. Vectors and Equilibrium
  2. Work and Energy
  3. Fluid Dynamics
  4. Optical Instrument



While some questions may go beyond the topics covered in my online lectures, they are all included in the PDF document provided in the WhatsApp group you joined. These questions are based on previous students’ experiences with the AFNS initial test

To pass the quiz, you need to answer at least 50% of the questions correctly. However, we recommend that you aim for a higher score, as this will give you a better chance of success on the Pak Army test.

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Please don't use any search browser to find the answer. Just do it yourself so you can measure your knowledge power.

Best of Luck!

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quiz maker eye visibility offquiz maker eye visibility
tail spin

1 / 50

The resistance between (+) and (-) of ideal Op- Amp is

2 / 50

Two vectors to be combined have magnitudes 60 N and 35 N. The correct answer for the magnitude of
their resultant will be:

3 / 50

Swing is produced to:

4 / 50

Soap film exhibit brilliant colors in sun light due to:

5 / 50

When the bob of simple pendulum is at extreme position, it ha

6 / 50

A pipe has a cross-sectional area of 20 cm², and water is flowing out of the pipe with a velocity of 5 m/s. What is the mass of water that exits the pipe in 1 second?

7 / 50

The SI unit of power is

8 / 50

What is the acceleration experienced by a fog droplet as it falls downward?

9 / 50

If a voltmeter measures 250V and frequency is 50Hz,what will be the peak value?

10 / 50

When a body moves in a circle, the angle between its linear velocity and angular velocity is always?

11 / 50

There are types of modulation.

12 / 50

A snooker ball moving with velocity v collides head on with another snooker ball of same mass at rest. If the collision is elastic, the velocity of the second snooker ball is:

13 / 50

The application of mutual induction is a

14 / 50

When momentum is equal to K. E. what is the velocity? The velocity of the object is

15 / 50

Electrons have negative charge and its mass is ----?

16 / 50

An accurate measurement of emf of a cell is made by

17 / 50

An example of scalar quantity is

18 / 50

The Boolean expression X = A + B represents the logic operation of

19 / 50

The distance between two consecutive wave fronts is called:

20 / 50

Beats can be heard when the difference of frequency is not more than:

21 / 50

Pull of earth on a mass of 20 kg on the surface of the earth is

22 / 50

The substance in which the atoms don’t form
magnetic dipole are called

23 / 50

The half of uranium – 238 is

24 / 50

At center of earth acceleration of gravity is

25 / 50

If the error in the measurement of mass is 2% and the error in the measurement of velocity is 3%, then the error in the measurement of kinetic energy is

26 / 50

The time period of a second's pendulum is?

27 / 50

Distance covered during one vibration of an oscillating body in term of amplitude A is:

28 / 50

The Celsius scale starts from:

29 / 50

Which expression is correct for the time period of a simple pendulum:

30 / 50

When two forces of 20N and 30N act simultaneously on a body, what is the maximum possible magnitude of their resultant force?

31 / 50

The blood pressure in the vessels is always:

32 / 50

The frequency of waves produced in microwaves oven is:

33 / 50

Which of the following is not present in AC generator:

34 / 50

Which of the following waves could be polarized?

35 / 50

An ideal voltmeter would have an infinite

36 / 50

Motion of projectile is _____________ dimensional.

37 / 50

Temperature, pressure etc are converted into electronic informations by devices called

38 / 50

Geo-stationary satellite completes one rotation around earth in.

39 / 50

Kirchhoff’s first rule is:

40 / 50

If the density of a cube is determined by measuring the mass and length of its side, and the maximum error in measurement of mass and length is 3% and 2% respectively, what will be the maximum error in the measurement of density?

41 / 50

Work done on the body equals to the

42 / 50

During charging of a capacitor, the ratio of instantaneous charge and maximum charge on plates of capacitors at t = RC is

43 / 50

Distance covered during one vibration of an oscillating body in term of amplitude A is:

44 / 50

The minimum number of unequal forces whose resultant will be zero

45 / 50

One mega watt hour is equal to.

46 / 50

If particles P and R, each having the same mass, are dropped from rest through the same potential difference, where P has a charge of +q and R has a charge of +9q, what is the resulting ratio of their speeds?

47 / 50

Derived units have-----kinds?

48 / 50

The least distance of distinct vision for a normal eye is:

49 / 50

The phase difference between coils of three phase A.C is

50 / 50

How many times per second will an incandescent lamp reach maximum brilliance when connected to a 50Hz source?

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You can  practice the verbal test for getting good performance by clicking here.

          Verbal Test