Academic Quiz 1 Please don't use any search browser to find the answer. Just do it yourself so you can measure your knowledge power.Best of Luck! Please! Enter Password 1 / 50 Plant need…………..type of nutrient light for photosynthesis? Six Four Two Three 2 / 50 Glands in the endocrine system: Release hormones as rapidly as nerve impulses are transmitted Release hormones into the bloodstream or the fluid around cells None of the above Produce hormones that are secreted into the digestive tract 3 / 50 Analogous structures: None of the above Have same structures but different functions Have different structures and functions Have same functions but different structures 4 / 50 The condition of small skull is: Polydactyl Cleft palate Microcephaly Haemophilia 5 / 50 The largest desert in the world is: Sahara Thar Gobi Thal 6 / 50 The main objection on Lamarckism was that: A character inherited by an organism It cannot pass from parent to offspring It can pass from parent to offspring It provides raw material for evolution 7 / 50 One mega watt hour is equal to. 3.6x 10 -12 J 3.6x 10- 6 J 3.6x 10-9 J 3.6x 10-8 J 8 / 50 In H2O, ........ hybridization is present. Sp3 Sp Sp2 Sp4 9 / 50 Unit of dipole moment is.? m-2 m-4 m-3 m-7 10 / 50 What is the average weight of the human heart? 300g 250g 500g 200g 11 / 50 The most reactive allotropic form of phosphorus is Yellow Green Pink White 12 / 50 I am now quite_______and hearty. Hall Hale Hell Hail 13 / 50 The ionic halides in order of decreasing m.p and b.p can be arranges as Iodide>bromide>chloride> fluoride Chloride>bromide>iodide>fluoride Bromide>chloride>fluoride>iodide Fluoride>chloride>bromide>iodide 14 / 50 The application of mutual induction is a D.C. motor Transformer Radio Television 15 / 50 The shopkeeper has charged me ten rupees_______ this book. at with of for 16 / 50 The components of lithosphere are Soil Mineral of earth crust All of these Organic matter of earth crust 17 / 50 How many calories are in fat……………..? 4 Calories 8 Calories 9 Calories 6 Calories 18 / 50 Synonym of “redoubt” is _________? rearguard fortification camp trench 19 / 50 I told him _____ play cricket. didn’t don’t to not not to 20 / 50 Antonym of DWARF is _____________? Giant Huge Enormous Tiny 21 / 50 If a voltmeter measures 250V and frequency is 50Hz,what will be the peak value? 763.55 V 353.55 V 253.55 V 953.55 V 22 / 50 I don’t want to argue ______you? from at with to 23 / 50 “Black and blue” _____________ ? False sense of happiness or success Somethi ng that is not understand Full of bruises A poor plan 24 / 50 According to molecular orbital theory, what is the bond order of Li2+? 1 5 5.5 0.5 25 / 50 ______ classified the then known elements into metals, non metals and their derivatives Al – Razi Mendeleeve Dobreiner Newlands 26 / 50 The color of xanthophyll is: Orange Green Yellow White 27 / 50 During emergencies, the “fight-or-flight” response: is stimulated by cortisol Decrease the heartrate is the result of aldosterone causing faster blood flow is caused by hormone secretions in the adrenal medulla 28 / 50 Pull of earth on a mass of 20 kg on the surface of the earth is 19.6 N 1960 N 196 N 20 N 29 / 50 When momentum is equal to K. E. what is the velocity? The velocity of the object is v = 2 m/s v = 72 m/s v = 42 m/s v = 20m/s 30 / 50 Distance covered during one vibration of an oscillating body in term of amplitude A is: 2𝐴 𝐴 𝐴/2 4𝐴 31 / 50 Derived units have-----kinds? 57 87 67 50 32 / 50 The yellow color in photochemical smog is due to presence of _______ None Carbon dioxide Chlorine gas Nitrogen dioxide 33 / 50 The shuffling of alleles due to meiosis and random fertilization having no effect on over all genetic structure of a population signifies: Fischer’s theorem Binomial theorem Hardy-Weinberg theorem Went’s theorem 34 / 50 Turner’s syndrome Missing X Rapid division Cell cleavage Diplotene 35 / 50 The hormone involve in birth is: Calcitonin Prolactin Thyroxin Oxytocin 36 / 50 Which one of the following is antonym of ”Picayune ” while others are synonyms? Trivial Trifling Piddling Colossal 37 / 50 Photon ‘A’ has twice the energy of photon ‘B’. What is the ratio of the momentum of ‘A’ to that of ‘B’? 2 : 1 None 1 : 2 4 : 1 38 / 50 Which structure is formed as a result of sexual reproduction in Zygomycetes? Sporangiophore Zygospore Ascocarp Basidiocarp 39 / 50 I prefer tea_______coffee. than then to of 40 / 50 Synonym of “impregnable” is ___________. vulnerable full stern unconquerable 41 / 50 Fatal heart attacks in a young a condition in which liver cells lack receptor for removing cholesterol is also done in cancer patients Kills the cancer cells High level of blood cholesterol 42 / 50 One amu is equal to __________ 0.931 MeV 93.1 MeV 9.31 MeV 931 MeV 43 / 50 Soap film exhibit brilliant colors in sun light due to: Scattering of light Interference of light Dispersion of light Diffraction of light 44 / 50 The oxidation state of nickel in |(Ni(CO₁)| is: 6 9 4 1 45 / 50 An accurate measurement of emf of a cell is made by A voltmeter A potentiometer All of them An ammeter 46 / 50 Are fungi predominantly diploid or haploid? Diploid None Of these Haploid 47 / 50 A snooker ball moving with velocity v collides head on with another snooker ball of same mass at rest. If the collision is elastic, the velocity of the second snooker ball is: Zero Infinity V 2V 48 / 50 “s” and “p” block elements are also called Typical elements Inert elements Rare earth elements Transition elements 49 / 50 Molarity of 10g of NAOH is...... 0 1.25 7.32 2.43 50 / 50 A pipe has a cross-sectional area of 20 cm², and water is flowing out of the pipe with a velocity of 5 m/s. What is the mass of water that exits the pipe in 1 second? 7 kg 1 kg 2 kg 9 kg Your score is 0% Restart quiz
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