
Technical Cadet Course Experience 4 ,5 & 6

verbal easy tha sir waqas ki pdf mn sy tha .
———- connect
monitor to switch 
Telephone basics 
Multimedia show video
Family of circle origin
intersect how much lines
P q r having 480 kg rice  p and q r. Divided equally  how much rice p have?
 A plain travel to north 200km/h and direct chnge it into south 200km\/h what will acceleration?
Which is the following unchange equation Linear cubic quardetic 
English basic like do hard ——— for success work
Which of the following
body have much
kinetic force 
20 m/3v
 *Tesla is unit of _____
*Magnatic flux unit______ *abducate synonym
Acid of apple
Conversion and diversion
thannks sir waqas ap ki pdf sy kafi faida howa allah ap ko kush rakhy Ammen


Name: Muneeb Bhatti

Test:Tcc-batch 35 Date:28March-2023

Center:ASRC Fsd


->Test time on my registration slip was 7am-9am,but it started on 8:30am.

First they checked our documents.

The one most important document was detailed mark sheet of 10th(sanad).

After Checking our documents,they demanded Rs:300/– and gave us prospects.

Then we went for test in lab(well managed system                           ).

An officer logged in our id’s on our computers.

1st was verbal:

84 in 30 mints.

2½ Mints were given for solving some sample mcqs.

I used first time computer and there was no difficulty while solving mcqs.

Verbal portion was easy .Most repeated. Series+different from rest+relationship+like 2nd day of month is

Monday and which day

Will be on 12th of the same month ?!. + 2 mcqs were that arrangement of words and tell the city name .etc likn aessy most thy..jO grop ma past experiences bjhy gye thy..un ma sa kafi thy..

Like.why we boil egg and why we send our children to school and 80% of 90 etc.

Then non-verbal::::

64 in 30 mints

(Note:jo nhe atii forn skip kry)

Sari past mcqs jo grop ma bjyy gye thy.sare k sare sir waqas ki pdf mn non-verbal. But it was time consuming…

At the end::: Academic::::

Totally difficult 40 in 30 mints ..

Chemistry and English ziada thy..

Ik tha lewis concept k mutabiq ethers behave krty ha ??? Many lagya both acids and bases…. Ik ideal gas wala tha..

Math ka ik matrix ka tha..

English ka fill in tha blank waly thy.

Ik tha 12 ki chemistry k 2nd chap sa..molter tha kis sa bnta ha..

Ik cube ka volume kha k nikalo..

Overall ye portion hi mushikl tha..

Clear krny ka bad date di gye.. medical or physical..dono 30 march ko 

thanks sir waqas

آپنی دعاؤں میں یاد رکھیں!


Name : Muhammad

Sudais Khan

Status : Pass

Branch : TCC 35

Initial test of Verbal and non verbal was very easy 105 ki pdf mn sy hi tha but accademic was little tough. Vebal test was lengthy and there are mcqs of series, alfabets, odd one out, time related mcqs, day related mcqs, age related mcqs and direction related mcqs. This was very easy     .

Non-verbal mcqs were also very easy and I attempted them all before the test           . But accademic mcqs were little tough        . I attempted them and

pass it. There are less math mcqs and greater physics and chemistry mcqs. English mcqs also less in english there are preposition and which mcqs are correct. There are

mcqs of FSC in physics and chemistry.