154 PMA LC Initial Test Experience 41-45
Posted: 11 Jul, 2024
Experience no 41
Center Lahore
Very Thankful Sir Waqas
My initial test and Medical clear
Physical test Day Tuesday
Verbal test takreban 50+ 105 wali pdf se tha
Nonverbal notes se thoory ay tha laiken clock wali trick se clear kr Lia
Academic takreban 40+ thy.
I am very happy and thanks Sir Waqas
155 PMA LC Complete Notes + Mock Test + 2 Special Groups m add Hony k liye
Whatsapp Krai 03056306559
Pro Genius Students
Sirf 5 PDF sy 100% PMA Clear
Hmary 2sry Platforms pr PMA k mazeed experiences with answers send kr dyie gy hen...ap wo b follow kr lai...INSHALLAH Test Pass ho jy ga
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Experience no 42
Sir Waqas Asghar:
Name:Mazhar Ali
Center:AS&RC Karachi
First of all thanks to you sir waqas with your guidance I cleared my initial test almost all questions were from your notes and from your yt videos
Q1 what is 90% of 90
Q2 who is the current cm of Balochistan
Q3 currency of Iran
Q4 capital of somalia
Q5 who is the current ambesseder in USA of Pakistan
Q6 who was the first president of Pakistan
Q7 2+2/2 3
154 PMA LC Complete Notes + Mock Test + 2 Special Groups m add Hony k liye
Whatsapp Krai 03056306559
Pro Genius Students
Sirf 5 PDF sy 100% PMA Clear
Hmary 2sry Platforms pr PMA k mazeed experiences with answers send kr dyie gy hen...ap wo b follow kr lai...INSHALLAH Test Pass ho jy ga
YouTube Channel Pro Genius Students
PGS Facebook Page
Experience no 43
My name is Shakir Wali. Centre Peshawar.
My experience in pma 154 I just watched pro genius students YouTube videos and buy notesI have cleared my initial with medical verbal m 90%of 90 yesterday was Friday what will be the day after tomorrow why we boil milk why we sent our children to schools
Maximum angle in right angle triangle directions wale the bs sirf time ko manage krna parta h non verbal bilkul easy th. Academic me capital of Austria Vienna .when Us invaded into Afghanistan 2001.
Abu jahal killed in which battle ghazwa baddar.
Capital of Gilgit Baltistan city of gilgit. National drink of Pakistan sugarcane juice.
National flower of Pakistan Jasmine.
City of Flowers Peshawar.
English m direct or indirect active voice and passive voice. Bs yahi kuch yaad h sir waqasme ne ziada kaam YouTube se kia tha. Thanks alot.
*154 PMA LC Complete Notes + Mock Test + 2 Special Groups m add Hony k liye*
*Whatsapp Krai 03056306559*
`Pro Genius Students`
*Sirf 5 PDF sy 100% PMA Clear*
Experience no 44

PMA 154 Exprience
Name zarrar
Arsc; Peshawar
Verbal and non verbal sir waqas ky pdf waly mcqs main sy ty sary .
In acadamic
Academic sir waqas k notes mn sy tha ..shukria sir g
1)3 factorial is equal to 6.
2)Y = 2x is equal to a straight line with a slope of 2 and a y-intercept of 0V.
3)Wild wali’s antonym is “tamed”.
4)Wild wali’s antonym is “tamed”.
5)Pakistan acquired Gwadar from Oman in 1958.
6)The highest military award in Pakistan is Nishan-e-Haider.
7)Pakistan won its first Olympic gold medal in hockey in 1960.
8)Jaisalmer, India is known as the “Golden City”
9)The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is located in The Hague, Netherlands.
10)We boil milk to kill bacteria and other microorganisms that can cause spoilage or illness.
11)China is the world’s largest producer of tea.
12)The Pakistani flag was designed by Syed Amiruddin Kedwai.
13)Iran was the first country to recognize Pakistan after its independence in 1947.
bass yahi mcqs yad hai our Baki 18 synonym and antynom ky ty our kabi our active voice passive voice ky ty . Our moja dua main yad rako Sab
155 PMA LC Complete Notes + Mock Test + 2 Special Groups m add Hony k liye
Whatsapp Krai 03056306559
Pro Genius Students
Sirf 5 PDF sy 100% PMA Clear
Hmary 2sry Platforms pr PMA k mazeed experiences with answers send kr dyie gy hen...ap wo b follow kr lai...INSHALLAH Test Pass ho jy ga
YouTube Channel Pro Genius Students
PGS Facebook Page
Experience no 45
Alhamdulilah initial clear +physical +in medical refer to CMH for carrying angle (HE)
NAME: Nisar ahmad
Amost 70 % verbal repeat from progenios student 105 verbel file
Non verbal
If anyone ready the play list of non verbal of sir waqas on youtube than he can pass non verbal with 80%
Academics Experience
almost in my test 30 mcqs were repeated .
1)90%of 90
2)why parents send their childeren for school
3) why we boil milk
4)correct name of Imam bukhari
5 )Cm of punjab
6)opposite meaning of tamed
7)Havana is the capital of