Physics Testt by Pro Genius sudents

Physics Test 3

Important Topics  of Physics  

  • Physical Quantities (Units + Dimensions)
  • Torque / Moment of Force)
  • Projectile Motion
  • Non-Conventional energy sources
  • Angular Displacement
  • Angular Velocity
  • Relation between Angular and Linear Velocity
  • Real and Apparent Weight
  • Bernoulli’s Equation + Applications
  • Simple Pendulum
  • Speed of sound in air
  • Least distance and distinct vision
  • CRO
  • Faraday  Law
  • Lenz Law

Important Chapters for Numerical

  1. Vectors and Equilibrium
  2. Work and Energy
  3. Fluid Dynamics
  4. Optical Instrument

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tail spin

1 / 26

The source of tidal energy is?

2 / 26

- Sharpness of resonance is.

3 / 26

In which motion gravity works zero on body

4 / 26

At center of earth acceleration of gravity is

5 / 26

Which one does not work according to resonance?

6 / 26

The critical speed of an artificial satellite is.

7 / 26

According to the equation of continuity, A1V1 = A2V2 = constant, the constant is equal to?

8 / 26

The reciprocal of the bulk modulus is called

9 / 26

Which pair has the same dimensions?

10 / 26

A man of weight W is standing on an elevator which is ascending with an acceleration a. The apparent weight of the man is.

11 / 26

What happens to the reactance of an AC capacitor at low frequencies?

12 / 26

If the density of a cube is determined by measuring the mass and length of its side, and the maximum error in measurement of mass and length is 3% and 2% respectively, what will be the maximum error in the measurement of density?

13 / 26

According to the equation of continuity, A1V1 = A2V2 = constant, the constant is equal to?

14 / 26

If a body of mass 10 kg is allowed to fall freely, its weight becomes.

15 / 26

Which electromagnetic wave are used as medium in satellite communication system:

16 / 26

Geo-stationary satellite completes one rotation around earth in.

17 / 26

The instrument used to measure pressure is called-?

18 / 26

In any measurement the significant figures are

19 / 26

Absolute uncertainties are added in following operations:

20 / 26

Pull of earth on a mass of 20 kg on the surface of the earth is

21 / 26

Momentum depends upon------?

22 / 26

If an object is lying on a horizontal frictionless surface, and the angle is

23 / 26

The time period of a second's pendulum is?

24 / 26

Number of significant figures in 0.0173 are:

25 / 26

73.650 rounded off up to one decimal is

26 / 26

The minimum number of communication satellites required to cover the whole earth is:

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