PAF JOBS 2024 | Eligibility Criteria
Posted: 06 Apr, 2024
The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) is the aerial warfare branch of the Pakistan Armed Forces. It is tasked primarily with the aerial defence of Pakistan, with a secondary role of providing air support to the Pakistan Army and Pakistan Navy when required, and a tertiary role of providing strategic airlift capability to Pakistan. As of 2021, as per the International Institute for Strategic Studies, the PAF has more than 70,000 active-duty personnel and operates at least 1370+ aircraft. PAF stands as the eight largest Air Force in the world.
The PAF is the largest Air Force of the Muslim world in terms of aircraft fleet. Its primary mandate and mission is “to provide, in synergy with other inter-services, the most efficient, assured and cost effective aerial defence of Pakistan.” Since its establishment in 1947, the PAF has been involved in various combat operations, providing aerial support to the operations and relief efforts of the Pakistani military. Under Article 243, the Constitution of Pakistan appoints the President of Pakistan as the civilian Commander-in-Chief of the Pakistan Armed Forces.
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Last Date for Apply : April 13, 2024
The official website for applying to join paf as an Officer is https://joinpaf.gov.pk/. This site offers different opportunities depending on your qualifications:
- Permanent Commission (PC)
- Short Service Commission (SSC) / Special Purpose Short Service Commission (SPSSC)
There are registration periods typically twice a year (around March and August). Make sure to check the website for the latest updates on eligibility criteria, application deadlines, and the complete online application process.

Admin and Special Duty

General Duty Pilot

Aeronautical Engineering

Air Defence

Sir I want to prepare for GD Pilot 158 and I promise to you sir I will never give you any excuse of my failures and some people’s are telling wrong about you I will also take a great revenge from them for you sir and biggest revenge to them is success sir thanks you sir you obedient Zohaib
thanks for supporting me