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PAF Experience 5





Experience: 4-9-2023 

Name : xyz

Branch: a&sd

Center : peshawar.

Status: Alhamdulillah clear

Intelligence portion:

Verbal was quite easy.

Odd one out Chair car shelf etc.

The marker is to white board as the pen is to paper.

9 birds 2 dogs and 3 cats so there are —— legs.

Other coding de coding and numerical types question.


Non verbal some were easy and some were complicated.


Almost all questions were from odd one, picture completion, and comparison.


 About 30 were repeated and some were new so please clear your concept.

Silver band tolerance +10.

Human blood pressure low

Lying horizontal

Speed of sound at 2°C.

Velocity dimension LT^-1

Velocity increases pressure decrease according to bernoulli eq.

Av constant continuity eq.

Which doesn’t work on resonance phenomena bulb.


Sentence completion almost 40.

Synonym prepositions etc 1000 mcqs wali pdf very important.

7 ku mera medical hai plz keep me in your prayers.

Special Thanks to all groups admin for help and support.


Regards: Pro Genius Students*

My Whatsapp For Paid Course: 03056306559