Paid Academic Test 4 Please don't use any search browser to find the answer.Best of Luck! Please! Enter Password 1 / 50 Largest lake of the world? Lake Victoria Caspian Sea Kuybyshev Reservoir Lake Coongie 2 / 50 Instrument used to measure altitude of sun? Sextant Sphygmomanometer Anemometers Seismograph 3 / 50 Author of book "Hamlet" is? John Milton Bertrand Russell Noam Chomesky Shakespear 4 / 50 Seats in national assembly? 206 106 104 342 5 / 50 Sher shah suri was burried in? London India Bangladesh Pakistan 6 / 50 The highest peak of Hindu Kush range is? Spīn Ghar Karakoram Toba Kakar Range Tirch mir 7 / 50 India of My dream is written by? Allama Iqbal Sir Syed Abdul Kalam Mahatma Gandhi 8 / 50 Old name of Attock is? Lyallpur district Purusapura Combellpur Rajputana 9 / 50 Name the Mother of Ismael AS? Hazrat Maryam AS Hazrat Isha AS Hazrat Saira AS Hazrat Hajra AS 10 / 50 Identifies action and state of being is called Pronoun Adjective Noun Verb 11 / 50 Abu Sufyan accepted Islam after ? Ghazwa Tabuk Ghazwa Khadaq Ghazwa Badar Ghazwa Hunain 12 / 50 Who is the author of conquest of happiness? Francis Bacon David Hume Thomas Hobbes Batrand Russel 13 / 50 Cell which has no nucleus? Prokaryotic Cartillage cells Platelets Nerve cells 14 / 50 Which vitamin do we get by sunlight? vitamin E vitamin A vitamin D vitamin C 15 / 50 Bhauddin Zakariya tomb is in? Bhawalpur Bhawalnagar Thatta Multan 16 / 50 My sister speaks very_____ clearly clear clears cleared 17 / 50 She said "It was snowing" She said that it had been snowing. She said that it had snowing. She said that it was being snowing. She said that it did snowing. 18 / 50 Surah name on ant? Tobaa Namal Rehman Asar 19 / 50 Faraizi movement was started by? Haji Shariatullah Muhsinuddin Ahmad Sayd Abul A'La Maududi Maulvi Tamizuddin Khan 20 / 50 He forgot...…..the letter. to mailed to mail mailing mail 21 / 50 Capital of Germany? Denvir Berlin Mosco Tokyo 22 / 50 Who said life of prophet is practical of Quran? Hazrat Ali R.A Hazrat Ayesha R.A Hazrat Fatima R.A Hazrat Zainab R.A 23 / 50 Foster sister name of Muhammad SAW? Hazrat Mariah (RA) Hazrat Raqiyyah (RA) Hazrat Shayma (R.A) Hazrat Halima (R.A) 24 / 50 Bhakra Nangal dam is on which river? Kabul Satluj Ravi Indus 25 / 50 Which Surah start without bismillah? Surah Feil Surah Al Asar Surah Tobaa Surah Namal 26 / 50 Which country has no capital? Nauru Saint Kitts and Nevis Vatican City Monaco 27 / 50 Zia Ul Haq was assassinated in? Rawalpindi Karachi Bhawalpur Kala Bagh 28 / 50 Mantissa of log is always? In Base In Unity Negative In Decimal 29 / 50 Manchester lake is in? Australia Bangladesh Thailand Maldives 30 / 50 Jannat ul Bakki is in? Makkah Madina Jeddah Tabuk 31 / 50 Lengthiest constitution of the world is? China Pakistan India USA 32 / 50 If e>1, the it is equation of? Hyperbola Parabola Circles Ellipse 33 / 50 Shah Jahan masjid is in? Hyderabad Thatta Multan Lahore 34 / 50 Who introduced Islamization? Sir Syed Ahmad Zia Ul Haq Allama Iqbal Ayub Khan 35 / 50 Red cross headquarters? Moscow Brussels, Belgium Geneva Switzerland Jeddah 36 / 50 When was MAO College given the status of university? 1875 1920 1886 1877 37 / 50 Which pass connects Gilgit with china? Khunjrab Pass Khyber Pass Lowari Pass Bolan Pass 38 / 50 Who started Mughal empire? Humayun Zaheerudin Babar Bhadar Sha Zafer Akbar 39 / 50 Rohtas fort is near? Jehlum Chitral Taxila Thatta 40 / 50 1st census held in Pakistan in? 1949 1951 2000 1947 41 / 50 How many Ayat were in first Wahi? 14 5 6 7 42 / 50 Defense day of Pakistan? 1 January 14 August 6 Sep 23 March 43 / 50 Real name of Imam Bukhari is? Abu abdullah Muhammad Bin Ismail Muslim bin Hajjaj Suleiman bin Ash'ath Abu Dawood Sulaiman 44 / 50 Holy prophet lived in Madina for how many years? 12 8 10 6 45 / 50 Pakistan won champion trophy in which year? 2001 2008 1992 2017 46 / 50 Line that intersect circle on one point is called? Diameter Tangent Arc Center of the circle 47 / 50 Pakistani is Proper noun Adjective Transitive Noun Adverb 48 / 50 What was the age of prophet when he put black stone? (Hajr e Aswad) 60 35 25 40 49 / 50 Benazir was killed in which city? Rawalpindi Multan Mianwali Bhawalpur 50 / 50 Length of cricket bat? 22 inches 33 inches 18 inches 38 inches Your score is 0% Restart quiz
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assalam u alaikum sir…kindly password shar krdein i really need that
Mashallah sir Waqas asghar ke academy se hum ne BHT sekha