

Assalam o Alaikum
AEC English
Status: clear Alhamdolillahx♾☺
AS&RC RWP Centre
Test time: 7:00 to 9: 00 am
Reported at 6: 30 but intelligence test started at around 10
First thing you don’t need to take any kind of “attested photocopies” as prescribed on the website.. just take original documents(matric, fsc, BS/MSC result cards and degrees)…its better k degrees ki covering utaar k jaen q k centre men bedardi sy cut kr k original certificates py hee stamps lgti hain😉….
2nd thing or a tip that i would share is k agr ap ko verbal portion jo k 84 in 30 mins solve krny hoty aap ko agr koi question nai ata to move to next question, don’t waste your energy and time on thinking and trying to get the right answer q k if u don’t manage time u would not be able to attempt all questions as in my case, i was only able to solve 60 mcqs and still Alhamdolillah cleared it and today verbal

was pretty tough as other members have shared their views so time management was quite difficult…verbal was so easy and i had done it withing 25 minutes and last Academic that was normal as i would say and i had completed it in 20 minutes
1 quote was from Keat’s one of poems “Beauty is truth,truth beauty’ from which poem?
2nd “To be or not to be that is the question” is extracted from?
Renaissance age must prh k jayn..

Then comes medical
Eyesight(guess alphabets with both eyes separatelyy)
Height weight and hand & feet as well
Finally u will be mentioned either fit or unfit.. that’s all
And JazakAllah Sir…keep helping and collecting prayers.✨

Regards: Pro Genius Students*
My Whatsapp For Paid Course: 03056306559