AFNS Experience 17 , 18 ,19 & 20
Posted: 31 Aug, 2023
Experience- 17
AFNS-2022 Experience
Date: 17 August 2022 Status: cleared
First of all thanks sir waqas jinhu ny itna acha platform provide kiya jis sy m pass ho ski
Experience. Verbal : Intelligence Kafi easy tha . mostly repeated McQ thy
•Number series or alphabetic series •Quarter of one tenth of 120•If 1st day of month is Monday then
28th day will be.
- If 2nd of month is Monday then 15
day will be . - If yesterday was Friday then day after
tomorrow will be.
•Train cover 20km in 1h 40min then
cover 1km in..
•There are 30 passenger in a bus 2/3
are male percentage of female. - In a class out 1500 1200 are boys
percentage of girls
•Rearrange ( beauty)Leopard
•Why we boil milk
•If sister of my brother is your mother
what is your relationship to me
•Direction Waly bhi thy simple sy
2+2/2 ye bhi tha
•ITWTI es ka mirror image same ye
Rahy ga ye 3 question thy
Non verbal: ye bhi Kafi tricky tha lekin hmy b sr ny tricks btayi thi tu ye tricky b hogy
Tough tha conceptual tha
Lekin pro genius students waly sir ki waja sy m pass hogi….what a lucky i was who joined sir waqas…
Where there is a God there is _ Hope
•Ali passed exam (in spite of ) his bad
a) noun phrase b) adjective phrase c)
•Prefix for “inform
•Punctuation marks dekhni thi
•Preposition wala tha aik .. synonym
antonym koi ni tha
•Master gland of body.•Colour of
•Percentage of nitrogen in NH3•Percentage of hydrogen in H2
•Amonium chloride is a solution
•which element has role in regulation of
•Product of force and time is equal to
Angular momentum
Change in momentum
•Effect on electron when enter into
magnitic field
- Bernoulli equation k related tha aik•Rate of flow of fluid through cross section area is called B’s abhi itna hi yaad h Allah hum sab ko kamyab karay❤Maray liya be Dua kejiya ga ke merit list mi name ay jayain:))) Thankyoi so much sir for your efforts May Allah pak give you reward:
Regards: Pro Genius Students*
My Whatsapp For Paid Course: 03056306559
Experience – 18
AFNS-2022 Experience
Plhy to verbal hota wo sara ka sara sir waqas ki classes sy or onk pdf notes sy aya tha…same….mostly girls ko time manage ni krna aya tu fail hogi thi lekin hmny test dyie thy sr ko os practice b ki iss lie koi issue ni bna…. whoi questions thy jesy k 1train ki speed car sy
double ha aur car 60km/h sy move kr ri
to train 1hour mn kitna distance cover
kry ge….
3…north South ky 3 sy 4question ay thy
4…ages waly be thy ky amna ki age agr
5 year ha aur Ahmed us ky three times
ha jb amna ki age 10 ho ge to amna ki
age Kia ho ge…
4…6 sy 7 question weeks sy related thy
.. Agr 2nd day Friday hay to 15 day Kia
ho ga asy waly zyda question thy lakin
easy thy
5…90% of 90 is
6 … Quater of 60%7…add man out seires thy 5sy 6
question thy
8….leopard ko arrange krna tha
9….beauty ko arrange krna tha
10…albhabet series ky be 3 sy 4
question thy
11…numeric series ky be question ay
thy lakin wo easy thy…. Hmain kuch be
pencil provide ni ki jate is Lea sb
calculation mind mn he kryn is ki
practice kryn
12….if 5 men’s write five paper in 5mim
then 1man write 1 paper in how many
minutes ?13…percentage waly be zyda thy
question aur age waly be in pa
non verbal
ka jo sir waqas ny tatiqa or tricks btayi thi wo bht kam ayie waha………
Is mn zzyda pattern waly aty aur
clockwise aur anticlockwise move krna
hota ya question ho jty solve…. Aur hn
verbal ka 1odd man out ya be tha ky kn
ha diff in mn sy White wrist aur is trha
kuch thy white ata tha is mn
academic portion
bht easy that mery lie q k m sir waqas k notes ratt k gai thi
1..highest electron affinity kis ko ha… Fcl br ya I2…which one is molecular solid iodine
bromine waghr ya option thy mostly
bond wlay chap sy thy
3….bio ka be bht easy tha.. Which of
following is not part of cortex
A. Bowman’s capsule B. Loop of Henle
etc is trh kuch thy
4 … Bio ka bht kam Aya tha
5 .. Eng bht easy thi 6 sy 7 msq thy
He is ______down the road running ata
Aur 1 adverb wala mcq tha
He is _____a book..i hope he will
succeed whan he complete the book6 … Academic easy hota bs fsc ki books
prh ky jayn
7 … Physic ki 2 sy 3 units ai thi aur
capacitor ka mcq Aya tha aut photo
diode ka
8 …. Gamma energy sy related mcq
Phr ata intelligence test 30 min mn 60
mcqs Urdu mn hoty bht easy hoty bht
he easy
Phr us ky personality test hota 150
mcqs 30 min mn wo be easy hota bht
ho jta……… Jb test pass hota AP ka to
AP ko initial medical ka Lea bulaya jta
aur sb kuch chk krty…. Eye sight ..
Weight.. Height… Chest size… Kneeknocking… Carrying angel…. Agr AP medical mn fit hoty to AP ko form dea tha us ko fill krna hota…. Alhamdulliah I have cleared my initial and medical…. Pray for me I hope for the best….. Aur 1 aur bat APny sath 500 tk rupees LA ky jayn…. Take care All of you and last thing take the classes by sir waqas because if you pass the exam then your life will totally change and it’ll be easy for you to pass if you follow pro genius students sir waqas guidelines and instructions.
Regards: Pro Genius Students*
My Whatsapp For Paid Course: 03056306559

Today was my test so sharing the experience
Centre: Rawalpindi
AEC chemistry
Firstly documents verification then fee submission (i.e. 300) then test was conducted.
Verbal part
was easy but time consuming so u have to be quick from the start, mostly questions was from the pro genius sir classes and pdf notes, slam to sir waqas, age related questions, speed of train, profit and loss percentages, number series.
Non verbal:
few questions were a bit tricky and the rest of them were easy, files u shared for the practice are more than enough. Mostly questions were from analogy and series pattern. These types have been explained in the files very well. Group fellows can practice them, mostly questions are exactly the same.
bit tough but handleable, organic chemistry was focused and few questions from physical and inorganic chemistry. Few questions I remember are here:
Most abundant molecule on earth?
Levo rotatory and Dextro rotatory
Which one is most acidic? Benzoic acid, phenol, methyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol
Compartments in fractional distillation
Type of bonding in AlCl4
Molarity and normality sai related 2 to 3 questions thy
2 questions from % solutions
Effect of temp inc on solubility of a specific molecule
%mass of oxygen in CO2
Mass of So2 that contains specific no of molecules
Status : cleared
Then us k bad wohi stamp lga dety hain jesa k aap nai already btaya hwa tha
Then initial medical: eye sight, height, weight, hands and feet were examined.
Medical status: cleared
Then physical test ki date dai di…
Thank you so much for your continuous guidance sir waqas, it really helps alot
Regards: Pro Genius Students
My Whatsapp For Paid Course: 03056306559
Experience- 20
Name: Samia Batool
Status: Alhamdulillah clear(AFNS)
Center: Multan
Test moderat tha
1 which man odd out :panda , chimpanzee,ape, monkey.(panda )
2: which man odd out: write, white,wrist,(white).
3: rearrange the word: the word beauty and tell the last word (y).
4: AK question leopard tha is ko arrange Karna tha (animal)
Baki age, alphabetic series k related tha
math series e.g,
What comes next in the following series;66,63,45,57_?(21)
Non verbal:
Non verbal sary different or tricky thy . pdf main sy ni ay hoy thy . phir alhamdulillah kr liya tha .bus concept clear hona chahiye. mn pro genius students ki videos watch ki thi kafi tricks achi thi
academic portion
1: algae and lichen k related questions thy e,g
Lichen protect algae from (strong light).
Bacteria k related tha k wo ecosystem main Kiya role play karty hn .
Chemistry k bhi AK do thy . reaction thy .AK question tha
cr+2 configuration bata ni the (3d3).
English main preposition thy ,
AK question tha us main AK word him tha Jo k (reflexive pronoun )tha .
Is main theory ai hoi the . gravity,
momentum k related questions thy .AK do question repeated thy .yad ni a rahy
Academic portion easy tha alhamdulillah main kr liya tha.
Personality test
Yea portion easy tha . main ny sary kr liyay thy time Sy phely.
Mary Sath Jo girls then wo sary chaly gae then .lakin main beathi rahi . instructor bar bar a kr Keh rahy thy k Baki girls Chali gae hn ap beathe hoi hn .lakin main ny Sara Kiya Koi portion ni chora . alhamdulillah sary portion time Sy phely ho gy thay .Note; rough paper allow ni tha .
Last main, main Sir Waqas ka shukriya ada Karna chahon ge .Jin ke madad Sy main ny yea test clear Kiya hy .Mary parents ap ko hr wakat duaon main yad rakhty hn .
May you live long!
And esy hi dosron ke help karty rahin (Ameen Suma Ameen ya rabul alameen ).
Do good have good .
Regards: Pro Genius Students*
My Whatsapp For Paid Course: 03056306559